
Hawthorne Effect Leadership

Entrepreneurs, scientists, artists, developers, healers

The Hawthorne Effect leadership team comprises many educational and professional backgrounds. But they are united in their dedication to enriching the quality, experience, diversity, and access to clinical trials for patients, providers, and sponsors.

Josh Rose


Kurt Lumsden

VP of Operations

Jennifer Spahn

VP Clinical Network & Chief Nursing Officer
John Taylor

John Taylor

Chief Technology Officer

Enrique Rodriquez-Paz, MD

Medical Director

Denny Snyder

VP of Sales

Kelly Munley

Senior Director of Quality Assurance, Regulatory Affairs and Compliance

Bill Purdy

VP of Product Design

Hawthorne Effect Board of Directors

Our board is a group of dedicated visionaries whose values center on excellence, humanity, innovation, and the impact of our clinical trials

Jonathan DiVincenzo

Jonathan DiVincenzo

President of Central Laboratories and International, Labcorp

Tony Clapsis

Founder, Arcadia Advisors and SVP, CVS Health (Former)
Lucy Coassin

Lucy Coassin

Principal, Northpond Ventures

Ingo Chakravarty

Operating Partner, Northpond Ventures
Jodi Akin

Jodi Akin

Founder, Hawthorne Effect

Josh Rose

CEO, Hawthorne Effect

Hawthorne Effect Advisors

Our advisors are advocates committed to integrity, efficiency, and connection with our patients, sponsors, and Heroes

Mary Stutts

Mary Stutts

Ron Adner

Ron Adner

Esther Dyson

Martin Leon

Martin Leon

Discover how we can help your trial

Let’s discuss how Hawthorne Effect can take your clinical trial to completion and approval with access and accuracy